As we begin our search for a part-time pastor, we are engaging in new (and previous) ways of worship. John Spangler will lead our service on February 9 & 23. We will have the sermon from 1st Presbyterian Marietta Livestreamed on February 16th, and hope to do this more in the future.
Join us for a "Souper Valentine's Lunch" on Sunday, February 9th. We will provide 3 yummy soups and all of the fixin's. We will accept donations to the "Souper Bowl of Caring" and sign Valentine's cards to our shut-ins and friends on our prayer list. Donations will be distributed to local food banks.
Join us for movie and discussion. Film TBA
Lenten Worship Schedule:
Ash Wednesday, March 5th 7 PM Evening Service
Palm Sunday, April 13 11 AM Worship Service
Maundy Thursday, April 17 7PM Last Supper Worship
Good Friday, April 18 - No service
Easter Service, April 20 11 AM Worship Service
Join us for a non-traditional Easter Service at 11 AM that celebrates the resurrected Lord. (This is the flyer from last year as 2025 is in the works.)