Preschool FAQs

FAQs &

Additional Information

  • Expanded School Philosophy

    John Knox Preschool (JKPS) provides an Early Childhood Education program, which is committed to the total development of each child. We strive to stimulate social, emotional and spiritual growth, as well as provide academic, creative and social challenges. We help children to understand their world through the full use of their senses, feelings, and their intellect. Our goal is to provide a nurturing environment, which builds a child’s’ self-esteem, thereby enhancing his potential for learning. We believe each child is a unique individual with his own pattern of growth and development. We strive to maintain a well-rounded program, which provides worthwhile and happy experiences in daily living, while giving each child the opportunity to progress at his own level. We understand that "play" is important in the healthy growth of all children. We believe that children have an active and natural curiosity about the world around them and given opportunities to explore and succeed, they will develop a life-long love of learning. Our program is offered as a community outreach program of John Knox Presbyterian Church, with special focus on the international community / ESL students.

  • Preschool Objectives

    • Safety – Your children’s safety is our first priority. All families must use carline (with car in PARK) and comply with health screening and safety protocols.   
    • Joy – we strive to make each child think school is fun
    • Respect - Teach all children to relate lovingly and with respect toward others
    • Confidence - Instill in each child confidence in themselves as unique persons
    • Social Development - Offer opportunities for children to develop social skills through interaction with their peers in a variety of activities
    • Individuality - Allow each child to mature and develop at his own pace, while experiencing the wonder and joy of learning
    • Curiosity - Assist each child in problem solving and making decisions through active involvement in the learning process
    • Creativity - Engage children in creative activities both individually and as a group
    • Motor Development - Develop each child’s physical skills through exercise and guided play activities
  • Calendar

    We begin our school year in mid-August, and we finish in mid-May a few days before Cobb County schools end for the summer. While in session, we follow the Cobb County school calendar, including teacher work days and student holidays. These days will be noted on the preschool calendar. Missed school days will not be made up and there is no tuition reimbursement.

    In the event of inclement weather, JKPS will close if the Cobb County schools are closed.  Listen to your local school closings on the radio and television—if Cobb County schools are closed then JKPS is also closed.  You will not see the preschool listed individually. As soon as information is available, a school announcement will be made via WhatsApp.

    School Calendar
  • Minimum Enrollment Period

    Minimum Enrollment Period is 90 days.  Policy can only be waived for health/developmental issues.

  • Financial Policy & Payment Options

    Preschool Tuition is calculated based on 100% enrollment for an academic term.  For late enrollment and/or early termination the total is prorated based on days enrolled.

    All payments must be received by May 1 of the academic term enrolled.

    Payments accepted via Zelle (preferred) cash, check, or credit card.  Credit card payments carry a 2% processing fee

    After initial fees and deposits are received, we offer several payment schedules as an accommodation.  

    • The remaining 90% can be paid in up to 9 equal installments monthly, 8/15-4/15. 
    • Individual payments of 30% receive a 3-5% discount*. 
    • Payment in full by September 1st results in an 8-10% discount*.  
    • If needed, a weekly schedule can be individually arranged.

    *Discounts vary by method of payment: Cash/Check/Zelle discounts are either 5% (30% bundle) or 10% (entire year paid by September 1).  Credit payments are adjusted -2% for processing fees.

    Expanded Financial Policy
  • First Day of School / Meet & Greet

    It is expected that many children, particularly our youngest students, will begin the school year with separation issues. We open each  school year mid-August  with a Meet & Greet activity where parents have a scheduled appointment to spend a short time in the classroom with their child.  Our online Emergency Form and Parent Questionnaire are available through our Jotform App

     Please COMPLETE your questionnaire and emergency form prior to your appointment, which allows us to spend  your appointment answering YOUR questions and visiting with your student.  This gives you an opportunity to update your teachers on what makes your child unique.  

    If you are unable to arrive as scheduled, you MUST contact the office to reschedule.  

    Once regular classes begin, we individualize attention to monitor separation issues, and may request an abbreviated schedule for the first few days of school to develop children's sense of security in our environment.  We require all families to be available for an early dismissal should it be needed during the first 3 weeks of class.

  • Arrival & Dismissal

    School begins at 9 am. 

    ARRIVALS are welcome beginning at 8:45 am and ending at 9:10 am.  Upon Arrival, cars line up leading to the staircase of the Education Building (classes for 3plus and 4plus/PreK) or side door of the Admin Building (classes for Toddlers & 2plus).  YOU MUST PUT YOUR CAR IN PARK while Teachers assist in getting children out of the cars at ARRIVAL, and escort them up the stairs and to classrooms.  

    During ARRIVAL and DISMISSAL, the parking lot can be very chaotic and dangerous!  We must insist that ALL Parents remain in their cars during these times.  Please DO NOT walk through the parking lot during ARRIVAL or DISMISSAL.

    Late Arrivals 

    If you will be arriving later than 9:10, please use your family WhatsApp chat to notify the office prior to arriving on campus.  Arrangements will be made, when possible, to escort your child from the office to the classroom.    Please do not escort your child directly to the classroom unless specifically directed to do so.  NEVER LEAVE CHILDREN UNATTENDED, either as they move about campus OR in parked cars.

    Dismissal Procedures*

    For DISMISSAL, cars line up leading to the FELLOWSHIP HALL (3plus and 4plus/PreK) or side door of the Admin Building (Toddlers & 2plus).  Staff walk ALL children to their cars at DISMISSAL.  Teachers will open and close the car doors.  At dismissal, Parents are requested to pull forward to complete the “BUCKLE UP” process. Please DO NOT BLOCK the CARPOOL LINES. 

    Classes ending at 12:30 pm: DISMISSAL begins at 12:15 and ends at 12:35 pm.

    Classes ending at 1pm: DISMISSAL begins at 12:50 and ends at 1:05 pm. 

    Early Dismissal 

    Should you need to pick up your child before the end of the school day, please plan in advance with the office for early pickup.

    Late Policy & Fees

    Any children not picked up by end of dismissal will be checked in to the Office by their teacher.  Children will be available for pickup in either the Office or their classroom.  While emergencies occur, anyone regularly tardy for pickup (more than 2x in a month) will be charged a $5 late fee per day. As soon as you know you will be late, please notify staff via WhatsApp  – this helps us reassure your children and let them know what to expect.

    Transportation ID

    Each child is assigned a transportation ID.  Your child(ren)’s ID number will be provided to you each year as a window sticker.  Please affix the ID provided to the upper right windshield so that the ID may be clearly read through the window.  

    Authorized Release of Children

    No child will be released without authorization from a parent.  Written permission via email or a WhatsApp message to the School, is required if there is any change from the person(s) authorized to pick up a child as listed on the child’s Emergency Form.  If there are permanent changes in these persons during the year, contact the office to update your Emergency Form.

    Should you find a “transportation partner” (another family who is allowed to pick up your child on a regular basis), we update our records to allow both children to be picked up with either family’s transportation ID. Multiple IDs do not need to be posted on each vehicle.

    To assist in finding a transportation partner, check the school directory which is organized by residential neighborhood, and includes student contact information and class assignment.  The directory is published in early August and updated periodically throughout the year. 

    * Extended Day PreK: Parents must park and pick up children from the classroom until 4:45, or Fellowship Hall until 6:45

  • School Supplies

    JKPS provides each student with a school tote bag to bring to and from school each day.  We use this method to transport projects, notices and other information between staff and parents.  

    While JKPS provides the majority of supplies needed during the school year, we ask that each child provide a small set of initial supplies, listed below by class name.  We suggest that these supplies be brought to Meet & Greet, so that each child can participate in presenting these to the teachers. For students enrolling after August, please check with classroom teacher on needed supplies.

    JKPS Supply List
  • Dress Code

    We find that the children perform better and are happier at the Preschool if they are dressed in play clothes that are practical, comfortable, washable, and easy for the child to put on and off.  Please limit items such as belts, suspenders, and multiple layers (tights, onesies, etc.) that make getting in and out of the bathroom independently difficult.

    TENNIS SHOES are the best choice for preschool feet.  Because of the mulch, dangers of slipping on the playground, little fingers that can be stepped on accidentally, and simply general safety, we request NO FLIP FLOPS, NO SANDALS, NO BARE FEET, NO SLIDES, NO CROCS and NO HARD-SOLED SHOES be worn to Preschool.

    We also require that any piece of clothing that your child may take off at school (sweaters, coats, hats, mittens, raincoats, etc.) be clearly marked with your child’s name.  

    Hats and mittens (not gloves) are suggested for winter months. Every child should be dressed in layers suitable for outside play. We go out every day that the weather permits. Dressing in layers allows us to adjust clothing for your child’s comfort throughout the day.

  • Toilet Training

    It is required that children enrolled in a 3Plus or PreK class be reliably trained prior to the start of school (children in Toddler/2Plus classes are not required to be trained).  Most children this age are shy and/or reluctant to allow an adult, other than a parent, to change them.  Since accidents happen in an unfamiliar environment, during the first weeks we use regular reminders and assistance.  It is helpful if you have your child use the bathroom right before coming to school each day. 

    Reliably trained includes the following:

    • Be able to alert the teacher BEFORE they have to go. 
    • Be able to pull down their underwear and pants and get them back up.
    • Be able to wipe themselves after using the toilet.
    • Be able to get off the potty by themselves. (our 2 & 3 year classrooms have bathrooms with child sized toilets in the classroom)
    • Be able to wash and dry their hands.
    • Be able to postpone going if they must wait for someone who is in the bathroom or if we are outside and away from the classroom.

    Our goal is independent toileting with minimal assistance by the end of September. While students may wear a waterproof layer for peace of mind, if a child in a 3plus class is still having accidents requiring an assisted change by the end of September, we may require a step-down to a younger class or suspend enrollment until a change in habit is complete.

    Toilet-Training-Toddler & 2Plus

    Children in our Twos Programs are not required to be toilet trained.  Should your child train during the school year, staff will work with you to ensure success at school once a child is wholly successful during daytime hours at home.   Regardless of training status, all Twos students MUST come to school in a waterproof layer for the first 3 weeks.  Each student will be assessed individually and monitored for habits and success in independent toileting.  ONLY when your classroom teacher has notified you that your child is “successful”, can you eliminate the waterproof layer if/when you are ready.  Waterproof layers include diapers, pull-ups, training pants, or a waterproof liner over underpants.

  • Snacks

    Individual families provide snacks on a weekly rotating basis.  “Snack Leaders” are posted in classroom calendars, and a reminder request is sent home by your child’s teacher (including suggested snack items).  Please use the teacher’s requested list as your guide when at all possible.    Your child will be learning about good nutrition as our school year progresses.  With this in mind, snacks for refreshment time should be nutritional in nature.  The school provides water, cups, and napkins.  

    Some children do have dietary restrictions due to health or personal issues.  Therefore, we make the following request:  If your child has a food allergy and/or food restriction which is a concern to you, please specify in the emergency form AND notify the Teacher of all allergy and/or food restrictions.   Should a food require a classroom-wide restriction (such as a severe nut allergy), that information will be shared with all parents to prevent such items from entering the classroom.

    Please be aware, it is extremely difficult to control what foods a child might decide to “taste”, especially during a party celebration, so communicate all concerns with the office and teachers. 

  • Health & Safety

    In The Event of Illness: any individual with the following symptoms will not be admitted to campus:

    1. Increased Temperature/Fever of more than 1.5 degrees from standard 
    2. New cough of any kind 
    3. Shortness of breath
    4. Fatigue, lethargy, and malaise that is abnormal for the individual
    5. Symptoms consistent with an upper respiratory illness

    Individuals with the above symptoms or others consistent with COVID-19 must be seen by a physician to obtain written clearance before returning to campus. 

    In addition to COVID-19 symptoms above, staff or students with suspected or diagnosed contagious illness of any kind should stay home. 

    Individuals with any symptoms of contagious illness not listed above (such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin or eye infections) may return to campus 48 hours after contagious symptoms end.

    If symptoms appear during the school day, ill students will be isolated in a sick room and must be picked up by a parent within 30 minutes.  Ill staff members will be isolated from the classroom as soon as classroom management allows. 

    Health & Safety Protocols
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