Be Welcomed & encouraged here
We meet at 11 AM year-round in our Sanctuary for a traditional worship service. Enjoy hymns accompanied by our grand piano, follow along in the bulletin, pass the Peace of Christ. Our traditional format in a casual environment welcomes each person to a service that digs in to the scripture and shares the love of God through Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
This dedicated group meets at 10 AM every Sunday in the Library. Enjoy a cup of coffee and lively discussion of different books surrounding the Christian faith journey. Current book: Truth & Hope by Walter Brueggemann. All ages, and opinions, are welcome to join.
We serve communion on the first Sunday of every month. Our practice is to receive the eucharist by intinction, coming forward to receive bread and individual cup of grape juice served by the Elders of the church. All are welcome to participate.
Visitor and Handicap Parking are available right by our main doors. Ramp access will take you to our courtyard and into the Sanctuary.
John Knox Presbyterian Church (JKPC) has been serving this area of Cobb County for over 60 years. As the neighborhood has changed, we have welcomed the opportunity to find new ways to serve and be part of the community.
If you come by 505 Powers Ferry Road on any weekday, our Preschool and our after-school program, CASA, are serving close to 100 children throughout the day. In the evenings and weekends, many different groups call our campus home, including Scout Troop 772, AA, and Bible studies. Sunday mornings both the JKPC and our partners-in-faith, the Brazilian Christian Church (BCC) meet for worship.
JKPC gives its members and guests every opportunity to serve and worship as much as they desire. Each person can choose where, when and how much they give of their time and talents. We hope that you will find JKPC warm and welcoming and want to call us your church home.
A much enjoyed part of our service is the Passing of the Peach of Christ. We take this opportunity to greet and visit with each other during this part of our worship. You will be greeted by many members happy to see you join us.
Wear whatever you feel most comfortable in. Most people wear casual attire. Don’t feel like you need to dress up… come as you are or wear your Sunday best - the Lord loves you whichever you choose, and so do we.
You'll find the best seats for viewing the service are in the center section facing the chancel where the pastor preaches. Don't worry about taking anyone's 'regular seat'. We're flexible and it's good for us to make room and see everything from a new perspective.
Worship normally lasts around 60 minutes. Expect a few extra minutes if it is Communion Sunday or if we have a joint service with our Brazilian brothers and sisters from the BCC that shares our campus.
Yes! Although we do not currently have a Children's Program, we welcome children to join in the worship service with their families. Children's worship packets with coloring and reading activities are in the rear of the sanctuary.
Yes - at 10 AM in the library with the Adult Class or at 10:45 in the back of the sanctuary.
Currently, we record our services and post them on Facebook via YouTube. We are working our way to live services online and hope to offer that option soon.
If you don't, then you scooted out before we could catch you! You will feel the love of the congregation for one another and to our brothers and sisters we haven't yet met immediately. Many Sundays we have treats after worship so we can catch up with each other's lives and goings on.