Seekers Circle meets monthly for the Horizons Bible study, mission, friendship, caring, and support.
We meet the 1st Tuesday of the month in the Narthex at 10:00 AM. The current study is Love Carved in Stone: A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments. By Eugenia Anne Gamble.
Fellowship Circle meets monthly for great food. fellowship, mission, and fun.
The Fellowship Circle meets on the first Tuesday of the month at various local restaurants. We are more than happy to provide transportation to and from and welcome all participants
Serving Sisters support mission opportunities throughout the community; especially serving meals.
Serving Sisters Circle prepares and shares a meal with the Women’s Extension every other month, have served at Elizabeth Inn and supports other organizations. On the off months we meeting to plan our upcoming service.
Our dates are flucutate, but we try to give as much notice as possible.
December Christmas Party & Planning Meeting
Wednesday, December 4th, 6:30 PM
Hosted by Mary Jane Guzman. For more details, contact Sarita.
Dinner dates for January and March are being secured; details soon.
Prep at 6:30 PM, Dinner promptly at 7:00 PM
Women's Extension
Together in Service
All PW meets throughout the year together for missions, Fellowship of the Least Coin, Birthday Offering and Thanksgiving Offering Gatherings, our Twelfth Night celebrations, and Cherokee Presbytery and Synod of South Atlantic Gatherings.
We also keep JKPC’s Helping Hand Fund fresh in our minds with our Change for Helping Hand Mission. Each week we are encouraged to save our change, support, and pray for those in need in our community that come to John Knox for assistance. Sharing change adds up quickly and we are able to help.
Connect with your PW Sisters!
Love carved in Stone.
11th Triennial Gathering of PW in the Synod of South Atlantic
October 25-27, 2019
Epworth By The Sea, St. Simons Island, Georgia
Join your PW sisters from Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina for our Triennial Gathering. It is an experience you will treasure; and it’s only every three years.
PW Links:
Cherokee Presbytery Presbyterian Women Facebook
Presbyterian Women in the Synod of South Atlantic
Columbia Friendship Circle
Columbia Friendship Circle includes Presbyterian Women's organizations throughout the synods of South Atlantic and Living Waters to help the seminary.
Mission Haven
Mission Haven is owned and operated by Presbyterian Women in AL, FL, GA, MS, SC, and TN. Mission Haven provides provides short-term home away from home for missionaries of the PC(USA) working in one of many countries around the world. They also run a Mission Haven Clothes Closet.
Churchwide PW
Horizons: The Magazine for Presbyterian Women search “Horizons”