Our 4Plus/PreK program is intended for children a minimum of four years of age (on or before Sept. 1) who are on track to enroll in kindergarten the following fall. Our Butterflies curriculum inspires investigation, exploration, dexterity, and creative expression. Young children learn by doing and we include many activities in a classroom setting that make learning fun and exciting. We believe each child is a unique individual with his/her own pattern of growth and development. We keep our environment relaxed, which allows children the opportunity to develop at their own pace. Our goal is to help each child build a positive self-image by providing guided opportunities for social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth.
We strive to ensure that each child is prepared for kindergarten by providing structured learning times. Learning to listen and follow directions are two primary goals of our program. In addition, foundations in language arts, reading readiness and mathematics are laid down using concrete objects, art projects, discussion, learning centers, activities, and games.
Reading and Number Readiness
• Identification of upper- and lower-case letters
• Reinforcement of letter-sound association (Phonemic Awareness)
• Listening, discussing, and sequencing stories
• Matching letters (upper and lower case)
• Visual recognition of numerals 1-100
• Left to right and top to bottom reading progression
• Identifying rhyming words – pre-phonics
• Visual perception, eye-hand coordination, and thinking skills activities
• Counting and counting activities, associating numerals and objects (One-to-One relational counting for numbers up to 20)
• Sorting, Grouping and Pattern recognition
• Ordinal numbers and introductory math “vocabulary”
• Develop fine motor skills, print first name, trace shapes, draw lines, circles, and shapes, use scissors
• Enforce proper finger alignment with regular pencils and grips
• Practice correct upper letter formation
Listening Skills
• Learn rhymes and verses associated with many different thematic units
• Listen to a short story and answer simple questions about the story
• Listen to directions from the teacher and follow several directions in order
Physical Development
• Use of manipulative tools – crayons, paint brushes, pencils, glue, clay, chalk, and small objects as counters
• Gross motor skills – running, games, hopping, throwing, and catching
Social Development
• Cooperate with teacher and others in class
• Take turns and be able to share
• Self-control and respect for authority
• Relate and share individual experiences
• Learn address, telephone number, age, birthday, parents’ names
• Build appropriate skills regarding social greetings and interactions
We believe this is a pivotal year in developing a child’s attitude toward school. Our Preschool seeks to provide a strong foundation on which to build your child’s future.