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The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth

Fritz Bogar • April 16, 2017
“If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the trust, and the truth will make you free.” John 8:31-12

The cover of the most recent Time Magazine blares the question in black and red: Is Truth Dead? (mimicking the famous cover of 50 years ago: Is God Dead?) One might hope for a sophisticated cultural and philosophical grappling with the state of veracity in America. But then one would be disappointed. Instead of analysis and thoughtful engagement with the nature and consequences of a society that no longer cares about the verifiable and the testable, we get yet another pedestrian catalogue of our president’s famous estrangement from the world of fact. Whatever one may think of our president, he is not the cause, but only the most obvious symptom of our cultural malaise.

Once upon a time truth-telling was regarded as a prime cultural virtue. We told stories to our children, including George Washington and his famed cherry tree, to indicate the character traits most admirable to our common weal. Every child learned the punch line: “I cannot tell a lie . . .” Of course, one could tell a lie, but then one would not be like George Washington, since his virtuous status – and ours – must be built on his commitment to truth, come what may.

The personal and societal consequences of failing to tell the truth were once considered so dire that their prohibition was enshrined in the Ten Commandments (number 9 if you are a Calvinist). The despicable character of purveyors of falsehood is a common theme in Proverbs: “An evildoer listens to wicked lips; and a liar gives heed to a mischievous tongue.” (Proverbs 17:4). I Timothy groups liars with murderers, fornicators, and slave traders (among others). Satan himself is described as the “Father of Lies” in John. Dante, in his guided tour of hell (inferno), encounters liars and falsifiers in the deepest part of the eighth circle (only the treacherous are more tortured than they in circle #9). Their penalty is an eternity of unshakable thirst.

Unfortunately we are now a society alienated from our history and our traditions. The internet is a wonderful tool and resource, but it is also a cesspool of the malicious and the malignant. Retweets and forwarded emails threaten to submerge us in garbage at the thoughtless touch of a button. Slant and spin have given way to outright falsehoods repeated over and over until they, in a dark alchemy, become the truth. Science itself has been twisted, distorted, and dismissed as just one more version of the real. The result is that we have become desensitized to the difference between truth and falsehood, and incapable of even the slightest outrage at the absurd or the pernicious masquerading as fact. Instead we greet each assault on common sense with a shrug of the shoulders, and embrace the perversity of “alternative facts.” You have your truth and I have mine. We are all indifferentists now.

Whatever the state of our (un)civil society, surely it should be different in the church. After all, we are committed to following the one who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Just before his arrest Jesus prayed that his followers might be “sanctified in truth” (John 17:17). Love, Paul insists, “rejoices in the truth” (I Cor. 13:6). When Pilate confronts Jesus at his trial, he mistakenly believes that he is in charge, but in fact it is he who is being judged. He asks Jesus “What is Truth?” – that cynical and pretentious worldly ploy - not knowing that he stands before the truth, not as idea or concept but as person. When we simply shrug and go on, when we dismiss the offensive with “whatever,” we are more like Pilate than like Jesus. We have sold out to indifference. By way of contrast, our Presbyterian forebearers wrote that, “no opinion can either be more pernicious or more absurd than that brings truth and falsehood upon a level, and represents it as no consequence what a man’s opinions are” (F-3.0104). Surely the Church should be fiercely committed to truth-telling as a matter of basic integrity and faithfulness, regardless of how the world conducts itself. Surely we should oppose in principle the small, proliferating falsehoods that erode any sense of the truth. We will be free only insofar as we are bound to the truth (John 8:30ff).

When I was a child I was fascinated by Perry Mason. At the end of each episode someone would be called to the stand, sworn in, promising to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth (so help me God), and be examined by Mr. Mason. Through Mason’s brilliance, dedication, and tenacity the truth always came out. Those were the days. Today we are not sure whether truth lives; but if dead we know for sure we couldn’t get a quorum to gather for the funeral. In the midst of this present evil age the question persists: will the people of God submit to the way of the world or experience the freedom of the Truth?

February 12, 2025
JKPS is designed to provide a safe and nurturing environment in which children can play and learn. We make every effort to encourage social and individual growth through our small class size and age-appropriate activities (this includes just having fun!). Each day consists of playtime (indoor & outdoor), music & movement, snack, story time and creative art. For many students in our “Twos” classes, this is their very first experience in a group setting away from home. Therefore, it is of the greatest importance that this be a happy time, and one that will be a foundation on which to build for many years to come. Our primary goal is to make this experience positive, sharing the message that “school is fun”. As much as possible, we try to group children into a roughly six-month span. We typically offer a toddler-twos class, with children who turn 2 by fall; a younger 2plus (spring/early summer birthdays); and an older 2plus (fall/winter birthdays). Our program offers children a secure, loving environment with an established routine and schedule. Weekly themes are introduced which incorporate the developmental goals of the program. This begins the process of a structured day where planned educational activities and creative play time offer a balance in your two-year-old’s development. Students are introduced to:  The eight basic colors  The four basic shapes  The numbers 1 – 10  Group participation  Good hygiene – hand washing, table & bathroom manners  Sharing and respect for others
February 12, 2025
Our Threes program is planned to provide your child with a fun-filled day that is academically appropriate and allows each child to progress at his or her own pace. Teachers provide guided support while working closely with parents. We consider a child’s social and individual development to be an important part of our program. We also believe that learning to get along with others, sharing, cooperating, using good manners, developing self–confidence and self-control are essential skills which we make every effort to teach. Each day includes playtime (indoor & outdoor), a snack, music & movement, story time, circle time [group learning], and a teacher-led activity, such as an art project, where students work in small groups with a teacher. A planned activity schedule incorporates weekly and monthly themes and is a building block for the process of a structured day. Educational activities and creative play time both contribute to the ideal balance in your child’s development. All students are introduced to and helped to master the following:  Color and shape recognition  Number and letter sight recognition  Prewriting skills  Recognizing their name in print  Using scissors  Days of the week  Months of the year  Seasons of the year  Phonemic Awareness (introducing the “Letter of the Week”) We also begin the process of school readiness as we introduce activities that:  Promote learning and problem-solving skills  Encourage logical thinking  Promote representational and symbolical thinking  Develop listening and speaking skills  Develop pre-reading and pre-writing skills  Promote successful social interaction with other children  Develop large and small motor skills  Learn to transition from one activity to another  Develop listening skills and the ability to follow directions
February 12, 2025
Our 4Plus/PreK program is intended for children a minimum of four years of age (on or before Sept. 1) who are on track to enroll in kindergarten the following fall. Our Butterflies curriculum inspires investigation, exploration, dexterity, and creative expression. Young children learn by doing and we include many activities in a classroom setting that make learning fun and exciting. We believe each child is a unique individual with his/her own pattern of growth and development. We keep our environment relaxed, which allows children the opportunity to develop at their own pace. Our goal is to help each child build a positive self-image by providing guided opportunities for social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth. We strive to ensure that each child is prepared for kindergarten by providing structured learning times. Learning to listen and follow directions are two primary goals of our program. In addition, foundations in language arts, reading readiness and mathematics are laid down using concrete objects, art projects, discussion, learning centers, activities, and games. Reading and Number Readiness • Identification of upper- and lower-case letters • Reinforcement of letter-sound association (Phonemic Awareness) • Listening, discussing, and sequencing stories • Matching letters (upper and lower case) • Visual recognition of numerals 1-100 • Left to right and top to bottom reading progression • Identifying rhyming words – pre-phonics • Visual perception, eye-hand coordination, and thinking skills activities Math • Counting and counting activities, associating numerals and objects (One-to-One relational counting for numbers up to 20) • Sorting, Grouping and Pattern recognition • Ordinal numbers and introductory math “vocabulary” Writing • Develop fine motor skills, print first name, trace shapes, draw lines, circles, and shapes, use scissors • Enforce proper finger alignment with regular pencils and grips • Practice correct upper letter formation Listening Skills • Learn rhymes and verses associated with many different thematic units • Listen to a short story and answer simple questions about the story • Listen to directions from the teacher and follow several directions in order Physical Development • Use of manipulative tools – crayons, paint brushes, pencils, glue, clay, chalk, and small objects as counters • Gross motor skills – running, games, hopping, throwing, and catching Social Development • Cooperate with teacher and others in class • Take turns and be able to share • Self-control and respect for authority • Relate and share individual experiences • Learn address, telephone number, age, birthday, parents’ names • Build appropriate skills regarding social greetings and interactions We believe this is a pivotal year in developing a child’s attitude toward school. Our Preschool seeks to provide a strong foundation on which to build your child’s future.
By Fritz Bogar October 15, 2019
Respectability is a subtle master. As long as one travels the middle of the road the guard rails on the left and the right are scarcely noticed. It is safe, comforting, and even alluring to be among so many fellow travelers. There is no obvious constraint; only the gravitational pull realigning us to a broad conformity. Go along to get along. Should one be tempted to step out of line, to go one’s own way, to question what has already been answered, to challenge conventionality, there are only two possible outcomes: surrender or marginalization. The problem with respectability is that it is anchored tightly to the ephemeral and the superficial while presenting itself as permanent and foundational. Respectability once required women to keep their ankles covered, men to be the head of the household, and children to be seen but not heard. The custodians of respectability were horrified when four mop-tops from Liverpool invaded America (and it’s all been downhill ever since). It was once perfectly respectable to speak of dark-skinned people as brutes and savages, homosexuals as mentally ill perverts, and women as homemakers. Some attitudes and actions we can simply dismiss as quaint expressions of a by-gone era; others continue to reverberate to our time constricting our imaginations regarding what is decent, just, and virtuous. Jesus cared nothing for the canons of respectability in his own day. He would not be fenced in by guard rails designed to keep the good in and the bad out. Jesus purposely transgressed social boundaries, associating with the poor, touching lepers, including women in his entourage, embracing children. He confronted the pious, challenged the hypocrisy of the ruling clique, and exonerated sinners. Jesus did not soft-pedal the demands of his gospel in order to be more appealing. "If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” (Mark 8:34) "Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not carry the cross and follow me cannot be my disciple . . . none of you can become my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions.” (Luke 14:26-27, 33). All of this came at a cost: opposition, rejection, humiliation, execution. That’s what respectability does. Like Jesus, Paul also flaunts the scandalousness of the gospel. He knows well the inherent unbelievability of the message of a crucified Messiah. Ordinary common sense dictates that a crucified person could not be the King of the Universe. It is and always remains foolishness and a stumbling block, Paul insists. But however outside the realm of respectability, this claim is in fact the truth and the power of God. The more I read the Bible the more I think that the respectability I was raised in and to which I have done my best to conform is not only not the gospel, but is actually a detour from discipleship. I wonder if following a crucified Messiah may require a different path, outside the guard rails, where being polite and nice, where fitting in and avoiding a scene are not the salient virtues. Perhaps naming Jesus as Lord is a grace-filled (and terrifying) opportunity to finally be free of this respectable world and instead, to serve as agents of a new creation yet to be born. Fritz
By Fritz Bogar September 12, 2019
At dawn on April 9, 1945 the pastor and theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer was hanged by Nazi authorities for participating in a conspiracy to assassinate Adolf Hitler and overthrow the government. He was 39 years old. Bonhoeffer had been incarcerated for two years, mainly in Tegel prison in Berlin, and then briefly in Buchenwald, and finally at Flossenburg. He left behind a legacy of academic work, treatises, letters, and diaries – 16 volumes in the standard English and German editions - as well as international friendships across Europe, England, and America. His theological work was original, rooted in his practical experience as a pastor and instructor, and tantalizing in its suggestiveness left tragically unfinished. His commitments were courageous. Much of his writing reflected upon the joys and challenges of Christian life through the prism of the simple question, “What does Jesus Christ mean for today?” Since his martyrdom, Bonhoeffer has only grown in stature, being claimed as inspiration by liberals and evangelicals, socialists and capitalists, theists and atheists. In 1951 Eberhard Bethge, Bonhoeffer’s student and closest friend, published his letters from prison under the title Widerstand und Ergebung ( Resistance and Submission ); it was translated into English as Letters and Papers from Prison , becoming a sensation and creating a popular hunger for all things Bonhoeffer. His little book, Life Together , a reflection on his experience with the underground (and ultimately banned) Confessing Church seminary at Finkenwalde, has become a modern devotional classic. But it is probably his book Discipleship, first published in an abridged English translation as The Cost of Discipleship in 1948, that is his most enduring contribution. Discipleship is a meditation on Jesus’ famous “Sermon on the Mount” (Matthew 5 – 7), reflecting on the nature of Jesus’ call, the response in obedience to follow, and the consequences of such a commitment. The opening pages of the book contrast “cheap grace” with “costly grace.” Cheap grace is that which leaves the recipient unchanged. It is grace without repentance or remorse. It is grace that leaves the recipient in thrall to the world. It is going through the motions. “Cheap grace is the mortal enemy of our church . . . [It is] preaching forgiveness without repentance; it is baptism without the discipline of community; it is the Lord’s Supper without confession of sin; it is absolution without personal confession. Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without the living, incarnate Jesus Christ” (DBWE 4: 43, 44). Costly grace, on the other hand, is authentic grace. It is grace that takes hold of a person and at the same time sets one free. It is grace as a yoke which binds one to he who calls and also to others who hear the call. “Costly grace is the hidden treasure in the field, for the sake of which people go and sell with joy everything they have. It is the costly pearl, for whose price the merchant sells all that he has.… It is the call of Jesus Christ which causes a disciple to leave his nets and follow him.… It is costly, because it calls to discipleship; it is grace, because it calls us to follow Jesus Christ. It is costly, because it costs people their lives; it is grace, because it thereby makes them live.… Above all, grace is costly, because it was costly to God, because it costs God the life of God’s Son and because nothing can be cheap to us which is costly to God” (DBWE 4: 44, 45). Costly grace leads one through the cross to resurrection. Grace is free but not cheap. It is a gift unbidden and undeserved. Grace is costly because it demands surrender, sacrifice, and obedience. Jesus said, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life? Or what will they give in return for their life?” (Matthew 16:24-26) Bonhoeffer put it even more starkly: “When Jesus calls a person, he bids that one come and die.” A priest friend of mine was fond of reminding us at every turn that it’s easy to be a fan of Jesus; it’s hard to be a disciple. Real grace, authentic grace, costly grace is demanding; it requires commitment. Counterfeit grace leaves us feeling good without being good. Costly grace lifts us up into authentic humanity; cheap grace leaves us sedated but not healed. Fritz
By Fritz Bogar December 16, 2018
The story we tell and treasure among ourselves at this time of year is a story of migrants. It is the story of peasants driven by the demands of an Empire utterly indifferent to their particular circumstances or well-being. It is a story that, despite our best efforts (spoiler alert: there is no cozy stable, no friendly animals, and no little drummer boy), cannot be romanticized into sweetness, but is a tale of hardship and risk. It is actually two stories with two different but related villains. Luke tells of Emperor Augustus, who despite his remoteness, can by mere decree compel a young woman to make an arduous 100 mile trek over rough and dangerous terrain while carrying a near full-term pregnancy. Matthew relates a different tale, of King Herod, a petty dictator tolerated by his Roman over-lords. Herod’s legendary paranoia and tyrannical rule result in the flight of the holy family, seeking asylum in Egypt of all places. Displacement is what happens to poor and powerless people in the Bible on a regular basis. Jacob and his tribe end up in Egypt trying to escape drought. Generations later their fate is slavery. Elimilech and Naomi likewise seek to escape famine, migrating to Moab and making a life there that will include a Moabite named Ruth. The Assyrians destroy Samaria and the Northern Kingdom, banish the inhabitants, and transplant settlers loyal to the empire. And of course, Babylon will follow and defeat Assyria, and ultimately destroy Jerusalem, the Temple, and every social institution, imposing on Judah the great catastrophe of Exile . Through all the heartbreaking experiences of displacement, believers – Jews and Christians – are strictly enjoined to have special regard for the gerim (a Hebrew word variously translated: sojourner, stranger, alien, immigrant), that is for those outsiders who happen by choice or circumstance to be among us. The ger is not to be despised or exploited, but rather included in the community and offered hospitality. The alien, along with he widow and orphan, are entitled to the gleanings from the field. They shall not be deprived of justice. Indeed, they shall be loved because (1) God loves them, and (2) because God loved us when we were slaves (slavery being the opposite pole from hospitable treatment). Moses puts it succinctly (Deut. 10:17 -19): For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who is not partial and takes no bribe, who executes justice for the orphan and the widow, and who loves the strangers, providing them food and clothing. You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. This text, it seems to me, is only a short step from Jesus’ own radical injunction to love our enemies. Admittedly, a few proof-texts cannot solve our current immigrant / border control issues. However, we can derive an orientation that clarifies what is permissible and is useful. For instance, any policy that neglects compassion and relies on and promotes fear, suspicion, and hate toward migrants violates the spirit of our most deeply held religious beliefs. Likewise, any practice that utilizes children as a deterrent and justifies making children into orphans is not worthy of support or consideration. As the storm clouds gather at our southern border and the situation careens toward lethal force – an impending massacre looming that seems desired by some - it would be well to remember that the lord of the universe was born far from home in an alley, a migrant whose first bed was an animal’s feeding trough, because there was no room for them in the inn. Fritz
By Fritz Bogar November 16, 2018
The Renaissance emerged from the High Middle Ages beginning in the 14th Century. Centered initially in Florence, its influence rippled to every corner of Europe and permeated every human pursuit: art, music, architecture, literature, economics, politics, war, science, philosophy, religion. Some of the greatest figures in Western Civilization were associated with the Renaissance: Dante, Petrarch, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Machiavelli, Dürer, Galileo, Copernicus, and many, many more. Less a movement than an ethos, the diverse Renaissance personalities shared a common inspiration: the recovery of Greek and Latin classics. The motto of the Renaissance became ad fontes : “to the sources!” The way forward – they insisted - the flowering of European culture, the “new birth” was possible only through a recovery of classical wisdom. Luther was not a Renaissance scholar; rather he was trained in the prevailing scholastic tradition of the Church. However, ad fontes had a particular resonance for him: Instead of Greek and Roman classicism, “to the sources” meant back to Scripture and to Augustine. Calvin, as a lawyer, was more thoroughly immersed in Renaissance humanism than the German monk. (His first book, for example, was a commentary on the great Latin writer Seneca’s De Clementia). But following Luther he came to see “the sources” as the Bible and the works of Augustine. For both Luther and Calvin the Church had gone off its rails and any hope of restoration required reaching back for a usable past. All of the reformers, in spite of their many and passionate differences, had this in common, that the way forward had its origin in the first principles articulated in a classic age. The Reformers were committed to a fresh start, a foundation laid bare and ready for new structures to be built, bedrock freed from centuries of accretion. They were, in a word, radicals (from the Latin radix meaning “root”) – that is, those determined to return to the root of the matter and only then to proceed from there. They thought that returning ad fontes – to the Bible preeminently, and to a few early saints, especially the Bishop of Hippo – would free them for the constructive task of faithful living. If they, in turn, stumbled along the way, we should not forget that at their best they also pointed to a Savior more radical than we usually admit. To bear in self-identification the name “Christian” is to be rooted in the one who is the way, the truth, and the life, to draw our sustenance from him, to find in him a clarity and purpose obscured and distorted in the world. To follow him is to find ourselves witnesses to extravagant forgiveness of the blatantly unworthy, promiscuous association with obvious undesirables, and fierce rejection of the conventionally pious. To be in his presence is to hear the call to love God, to renounce self, to turn the other cheek, to love our enemies. To receive his grace is to know ourselves to be, in fact, lost sheep and prodigal sons. The temptation of every Christian is to domesticate Jesus, to reduce him to someone palatable and manageable and convenient. But Jesus will not be so tamed. He would sooner go to a cross. Jesus is perhaps “too radical for Georgia,” but to those who are being called, those who have ears to hear, he is our root, our source. By returning to him we find our true identity and by proceeding from him we find our vocation in the world. While all the world can see is a radical as extremist who disrupts the status quo, we are rooted in the radical who as an act of mercy and of love promises not to leave the world as it is, but to make all things new. Fritz
By Fritz Bogar October 16, 2018
It was not too long ago that the so-called “new atheists” – people like Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and Christopher Hitchens - were prominent on the talking heads circuit, their anti-religion message resonating in an era of religiously inspired terrorism and Evangelical bluster. Debates with the self-appointed protectors of religion (meaning Christianity) and a spate of best-sellers put them in the spotlight for a brief time. Looking back, it appears that they came and went like the flavor of the week. What remains is the status quo ante: a surfeit of gods, each one clamoring for our attention and loyalty. In short, the challenge that persists in and around the church is not the new flash-in-the-pan atheism, but rather the age-old glut of gods. After all, the First Commandment is not “You shall believe in me,” but rather, “you shall renounce all other gods.” The task of faithful people is not artfully to arrange a hierarchy of greater and lesser loyalties, but rather to love God with all our heart and soul and strength, a love so complete there is no room for any other. Whether in the Israel of Deuteronomy, or the Wittenberg of Luther, or the Geneva of Calvin, or even the Cobb County of 21st century America the problem is the same: how do we remain faithful to the one, true God and reject the seductions of the many other deities who would enroll us in their idolatries and so subvert our faith. We may inscribe the slogan “in God we trust” on our money and on our license plates, but the counter-question is, ”Which god?” Luther, in his Large Catechism, puts the matter succinctly: “God is that in which we are to look for all good and in which we are to find refuge in all need. Therefore, to have a god is nothing else than to trust and believe in that one with your whole heart. As I have often said, it is the trust and faith of the heart alone that make both God and an idol. If your faith and trust are right, then your God is the true one. Conversely, where your trust is false and wrong, there you do not have the true God. For these two belong together, faith and God. Anything on which your heart relies and depends, I say, that is really your God.” Calvin agrees, and goes further: “. . . [human] nature, so to speak, is a perpetual factory of idols.” In spite of the grace that flows into our lives, we are constantly tempted to invest our love and commitment in things and ideas and practices that cannot sustain their devotion. The outcome of our situation - being drawn to God and being, at the same time, prone to idolatry - is that we increasingly have difficulty distinguishing between the one, true God and the gods of our own creation. Our trust is more likely in the world’s largest economy than in the God who demands we care for the poor. Our reliance is in the might of world’s most richly funded and equipped military rather than in the God who calls us not to victory but to sacrifice, and promises to be with us. Perhaps most insidiously, we are most enthusiastic toward all who promise to satisfy our desires and our hearts cling to any who will assure us of our own essential goodness (and therefore our deservedness). In fear or uncertainty or in fevered narcissism we seek out gods who will serve us, satisfy us, comfort us. Like the ancient Israelites and their golden calf, we are fully capable of creating our own gods, all decked out in red, white, and blue: gods who will gladly fawn over us, justify any behavior, assure us of our inherent superiority, if we will only give up our loyalty. The antidote to our idolatry is remembrance. Moses, giving his last advice to the Israelites before they cross over the Jordan, repeatedly calls them to remember who God is by remembering what God has done. By refusing to forget, by ritualizing remembrance (see Deuteronomy 6:4-9), the people may resist the constant inclination to idolatry, and prosper in the presence of God. For us, remembrance focuses on the ritual of story and the table: “Do this in remembrance of me,” Jesus says, while at the same table we affirm a summary of the story: “Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.” To know the one, true God, the God of Abraham and Sarah, the God of Moses, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we must remember the story of Jesus. This is the essence of Christianity, that we are formed by the story of the one we call Lord and that we tell the story in word and deed in the world. It is this simple repetitive act of rehearsal, in worship and devotion and prayer, in our going out and our coming in, that will guard us and free us from the clutches of the false gods that roam the land. Do you know the story? Can you tell it to your grandchildren? Fritz
By Fritz Bogar September 15, 2018
Once upon a time the word “politics” signified “the art or science of government” (Merriam-Webster). Now it is commonly a term of derision. The use of “politics” today implies manipulation, dishonesty, and other scurrilous behaviors. “Playing politics” means maneuvering for personal advantage. An unscrupulous politician is a redundancy. Politics is polarizing, divisive, distasteful – best not talked about in polite company. Our national founders feared the turn toward political party as the sectarian end to true democracy (although it wasn’t long before there were Federalists and Jeffersonians heaping calumny on each other). Religion is, likewise, a potentially inflammatory term, best kept to oneself. This is the Enlightenment solution to generations of bloody and destructive religious conflict: privatize religion, making it a matter of personal choice and preference, untouchable from the outside, and hence free. The problem is that the more we marginalize these two areas of passion – religion and politics – the more dangerous they become, festering in the darkness when they might better serve us in the light. Each comes to occupy a tyrannical and authoritarian place, unchallenged and unchallengeable, carefully enshrined in an echo chamber of one’s particular ideological bent. Indeed, we often fail to see how sickly and insubstantial our own convictions are until they are exposed to the full light of day. I know that one widely held conviction is that we should keep politics out of the church. My simple proposal runs in just the opposite direction: I believe that our church should be a place where free and passionate political discussion occurs as a matter of course. The payoff for such an unconventional commitment would be two-fold: a benefit to our fellowship in that we could finally express what we have heretofore kept carefully suppressed; and a benefit to each other and the society we keep as we practice and model civil and engaged exchange. We might even rehabilitate “politics” itself. Two things will be necessary for such a change to take place. First, we will need to trust each other – trust that the goal is not defeat of an opponent, but rather mutual, if slow, progress toward the truth. Second, we will need to improve our political and theological literacy. Repeating ideological talking points designed to reinforce the convictions of true believers will be totally inadequate for engaging those who have a different starting point and a different world view. In short, we will need to learn how to make arguments that might convince rather than bludgeon; we will have to learn again how to offer personal testimony rather than calling down revealed truth. In the church, the structure of such arguments might be: “Because I believe this [theological claim], I affirm/support that [policy or program].” I have been told that “everyone knows where I stand [politically].” I doubt it. While I have not hidden my disdain for the present administration, no one has inquired about my particular objections or why I hold them; nor has anyone challenged my views, or tried to open my mind to some more adequate truth. It may be polite to pass off everything as “You believe what you believe, and I’ll believe what I believe . . .” but it surely is not a recipe for Christian fellowship. We owe each other more than an empty tolerance. Let’s talk!! Fritz
By Fritz Bogar August 15, 2018
Moving is hell. But it is not punishment. Neither God nor the Devil has any need to afflict us during a move. There may be the occasional annoyances orchestrated by junior demons, but experienced tempters know when to step back and watch (so says C. S. Lewis). Moving is hell. But it is a hell almost entirely of our own making. Like Jacob Marley we have forged, link by link, the chains that now bind us. The physical challenges, the emotional assaults, and the spiritual anomie all are rooted in choices we have made over years, or even decades. Recently Ann and I had begun seriously contemplating moving out of the Columbia Seminary home provided for us. We loved our house, our neighborhood, and our proximity to CTS and our friends on faculty and staff. But Ann had always wanted a house of her own – and neither of us is getting any younger. Our reasoning was straight forward: someone else – a new professor and family, for instance – should benefit from a residence in one of the excellent school districts in the state (as we did with Gabe). In addition, mortgage rates had begun climbing. Now seemed like the right time. With the help of some realtor friends, we made our way through the morass of home buying, visiting and evaluating potential sites, making offers, and finally closing on a townhouse nearby. Our move seemed so simple at the beginning. We were not downsizing appreciably. Since the new is only 4 miles from the old, we thought we might simply transfer much of our stuff from one to the other, skipping the packing step. None of it really worked the way we envisioned it. New kitchen cabinets took some time and are only now receiving finishing touches. Comcast TV and internet was supposed to be easily installable, but instead required service visits. My car flashed an engine light and required me to spend a morning and then a day waiting for repair. While square f ootage is comparable, the space is allocated so differently that simple transfer was not realistic. After establishing patterns over 13 years, now we have to rethink what goes where. Fortunately, we have leniency from CTS and can take whatever time we need. The problem with any move is, candidly put, stuff – the stuff we have accumulated almost imperceptibly over the days and years. Contrast Jesus, who sent out the Twelve and “ordered them to take nothing for their journey except a staff; no bread, no bag, no money in their belts; but to wear sandals and not to put on two tunics.” (Mark 6:8-9). Jesus warned his auditors that nothing is more spiritually dangerous than the stuff with which we fill our lives, that possessions possess us, “for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:20). Our move has revealed a side to me that I do not like to acknowledge, and manage most of the time to keep even from myself. I have too many books, too many movies, too many CDs. I have too many clothes. We keep too much food in our large refrigerator and our walk-in pantry. I am a model of socially acceptable excess. I have become skilled in finding ways to fit more and more into diminishing space, while ignoring any reasonable divestment. Beneath a thin façade of moderation is an indulgence and glut that cannot be pleasing to God. Theologically speaking, moving is a call to repentance, an invitation to change our lives, an opportunity to turn from what burdens us, and instead, to simplify our lives. I for one intend to answer that call. Fritz
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